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welcome to Hot Hot Topics - August 2005
Editor: Dr. Jesse Yoder - Volume 6, Number 1 - ISSN 1350-7204
Featuring our new free CD! Enter your email address here for a free subscription to Hot Hot Topics: Previous issues of Hot Hot Topics Welcome to the August 2005 issue of Hot Hot Topics! This issue features four exciting new studies from Flow Research, and brings you up-to-date on some important new developments in the vortex flowmeter business. It also tells you about some free services now offered on our website that will help you stay current on stock prices, and on news about crude oil, energy, and business news, and news from Asia. Be sure to take advantage of new free CD offer! Click here to request your own copy of our new free CD. 1. Letter from the President. This letter updates you on many of the exciting happenings at Flow Research over the past six months. It brings you up to date on our new staff, and on important enhancements to our Worldflow Monitoring Service. It also includes the schedule through the rest of the year for our eight new studies. Click here to read the letter. 2. New Free Flow Research CD! Perhaps you've seen some of the articles published in industry journals by Dr. Jesse Yoder. Because we've had such a positive response to these articles, we've decided to make many of them available to you for free on a CD. All you have to do to receive the free CD is to ask for it, and send us your mailing address. We will mail you a CD with many of these articles on it, in PDF format. This way, you can view ones you might have missed in a more convenient format. Click here to preview the contents of this new free CD. The new CD also includes a free sample copy of the latest issue of the Worldflow Barometer, some information on our market studies, and information on our newly configured Worldflow Monitoring Service. To receive your free CD, send an email request to jesse@flowresearch.com, or send a fax to us at (781) 224-7552. You can also request the CD by phone or by mail. Please be sure to include your complete mailing address. We will be happy to send it to you, no matter where in the world you are located! Click here to request your new CD, using our handy online Feedback Form! Or, click here to use our EZ Faxback Form. 3. Exciting new stock and news features available on Flow Research website. As an added service to our clients, we have added some exciting new features to our websites. On the Flow Research website (www.flowresearch.com), you can follow the stocks of 25 of the top instrumentation and energy companies. Stock prices are listed as they change on the New York stock exchanges. Some of the companies listed include ABB, Badger Meter, Cooper Cameron, Danaher, Emerson Electric, FMC Technologies, Honeywell, Roper Industries, Siemens, and Teledyne. A related feature, the Stock Quote Box, allows you to get a quote on the stock of any publicly traded company. Simply type the stock symbol for the company into the open window. Feel free to use this valuable feature as a research tool if you need information on any publicly traded companies in any field. On another section of our homepage, you will find the latest headlines and news stories relating to Crude Oil. Click on the More News link below this news box to find the latest headlines and news stories from the areas of Oil and Energy, Business, World News, and Asia. Click on the Real Time News Ticker to watch the news stories scroll by. Be sure to take advantage of these free services from Flow Research as a way to keep yourself informed on important developments that may affect the instrumentation markets! Go to www.flowresearch.com to start using these free services immediately. 4. Flow Research will soon publish a new worldwide magnetic flowmeter study. Within the next few weeks, Flow Research will ship a brand new study: The Global Market for Magnetic Flowmeters, Third Edition. This study was previously published in 2001 and 2003. This study includes all the segmentation in previous studies, and adds some important new segments: line sizes, liner type, applications, and accuracy. All the indications are that the magnetic flowmeter market grew significantly in the past two years. For complete details on this exciting new study, go to http://www.flowresearch.com/Magnetic_2005/overview.htm. 5. In addition to our study on magnetic flowmeters, we are also working on a new study on vortex flowmeters. This study was previously published in 2001 and 2003. This edition of the study includes the segmentation in earlier studies, and also introduces new segmentation. A lot of important developments have occurred in the vortex flowmeter market in the past several years. This study takes these developments into account, and provides a completely updated look at the worldwide vortex flowmeter market. For more details on this exciting new study, go to http://www.flowresearch.com/Vortex_2005/welcome.htm. 6. Flow Research will soon publish a new worldwide study on DP flowmeters and primary elements. In the past, many analysts have identified the size of the DP flowmeter market with the size of the market for DP transmitters used to measure flow. This study attempts to arrive at a more accurate view of the size of the DP flowmeter market by including primary elements and associated instrumentation. Primary elements include orifice plates, Venturis, Pitot tubes, flow nozzles, and other types. For complete details on this study, visit http://www.flowresearch.com/DP_2005/welcome.htm. 7. Aalborg acquires vortex flowmeter line from Venture Measurement. Aalborg has purchased the vortex flowmeter line from Venture Measurement of Spartansburg, South Caroline. The deal was completed in February 2005. Venture Measurement acquired its vortex flowmeter line in 1998 from Nice Instruments, and sold it under the Aaliant name. Aalborg is known as a supplier of mass flow controllers and variable area meters, and is located in Orangeburg, New York. For more information on this acquisition, go to Aalborg Acquisition. 8. J-Tec sells its industrial vortex flowmeter line to Racine Federated. J-Tec Associates of Cedar Rapids, Iowa, has sold its line of industrial vortex flowmeters to Racine Federated. The sale was announced on April 21, 2005. J-Tec has both insertion and inline vortex meters for liquid, steam, and gas applications. The company is continuing to sell its vortex flowmeters to the automotive engine testing and military markets. Racine Federated is based in Racine, Wisconsin. The company produces variable area, turbine, ultrasonic, and insertion magnetic flowmeters, along with primary elements. For more details, visit Racine_Acquisition. 9. Flow Research is beginning research on two new temperature studies. Flow Research is starting research on two new temperature studies: The Market for Temperature Sensors in the Americas, Second Edition, and The Market for Temperature Transmitters in the Americas, Second Edition. These studies were first published in 2000. It has been several years since these markets have been studied. The temperature sensor study includes thermocouples, RTDs, thermistors, infrared thermometers, and fiber optic sensors. We are also planning to conduct an end-user survey. Research is expected to begin in the next several weeks. For more details on these exciting new studies, visit www.tempflows.com.
If you like Hot Hot Topics, you will love the Worldflow Barometer! Every quarter the Worldflow Barometer brings you completely up-to-date on developments in the worldwide flowmeter market. We update you on every flow technology every quarter. We tell you who's been acquired, what new products are out, and advise you on market strategies. Plus, every quarter we take an in-depth look at one or more flowmeter companies that you need to know about. Join the growing ranks of companies that rely on the Worldflow Barometer to keep them abreast of developments in flow. Click here for more information. Or request the new Flow Research CD for a free copy of our latest issue of the Worldflow Barometer.
What do you think of Hot Hot Topics? We welcome your comments! Please send any comments or suggestions to Flow Research, or by email to jesse@flowresearch.com.
Hot Hot Topics is published by Flow Research, Inc.. Editor: Dr. Jesse Yoder Associate Editors: Belinda Burum, Norm Weeks
Flow Research, Inc. 27 Water Street Wakefield, MA 01880 (781) 245-3200 (781) 224-7552 (fax) |
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