welcome to Hot Hot Topics - July 2006 Your Update on Flow. Temperature, and Pressure Measurement from Flow Research
Editor: Dr. Jesse Yoder
Associate Editor: Norm Weeks
Enter your email address here for a free subscription to Hot Hot Topics: Previous issues of Hot Hot Topics Welcome to the July 2006 issue of Hot Hot Topics! This issue brings you up-to-date on some important new developments in the flowmeter business. It highlights our new temperature sensors study, which is still hot off the press.. It also reports on some important acquisitions in both the temperature and flowmeter areas. You can count on Hot Hot Topics to keep you up-to-date on the latest important developments in flow, temperature, and pressure measurement.
2. Flow Research is doing a study on differential pressure (DP) flow measurement and primary elements. What is the true value of the DP flowmeter market? Typically, research studies identify the value of the DP flowmeter market with the value of the DP transmitter market. But in order to measure DP flow, a primary element, such as an orifice plate or Venturi tube, is required. And measuring mass flow using a DP transmitter also involves other devices such as a pressure transmitter, temperature transmitter, and flow computer. This groundbreaking new study, called The World Market for DP Flow Measurement and Primary Elements, seeks to determine the true value of the DP flowmeter market by giving the market size for DP transmitters, primary elements, and associated instrumentation. It will also tell you whether the DP flowmeter market is growing, and which are the most popular primary elements. Find out more at http://www.flowresearch.com/DP_Flow/welcome.htm. 3. BASF completes acquisition of Engelhard Corporation. BASF, one of the largest chemical companies in the world, has acquired Engelhard Corporation of Iselin, New Jersey. The acquisition was completed on June 12, 2006. Engelhard is a surface and materials science company that four business segments: Environmental Technologies; Process Technologies, Appearance and Performance Technologies; and Materials Services. In terms of instrumentation, Engelhard is a manufacturer of thermocouples and infrared thermometers. You can find out more about this acquisition at www.engelhard.com. 4. Measurement Specialties acquires YSI Temperature and BetaTHERM. Measurement Specialties manufactures a wide range of sensors, including pressure transducers, accelerometers, humidity sensors, automotive sensors, and temperature sensors. Measurement Specialties is headquartered in Hampton, Virginia. With its purchase of YSI Temperature and BetaTHERM, Measurement Specialties has added two of the largest producers of thermistors to its portfolio. This makes it a major player in the temperature sensor market. The acquisitions were announced on April 3, 2006. For more information, go to www.meas-spec.com and select "Investor Relations."
6. Spirax Sarco Broadens US Reach Through Purchase of Advanced Flow Technology. Spirax Sarco has has purchased all relevant business assets of AFTCO of Lakeland, Florida, from AMJ Equipment Corporation, also of Lakeland, Florida.. The AFTCO business will be merged with EMCO Flow Systems, a US division of Spirax Sarco headquartered in Longmont, Colorado. The acquisition was announced on May 17, 2006. For more information, go to http://www.flowresearch.com/hothottopics/July_2006/AFTCO.htm.
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Hot Hot Topics is published by Flow Research, Inc. Editor: Dr. Jesse Yoder - jesse@flowresearch.com Associate Editor: Norm Weeks - norm@flowresearch.com
Flow Research, Inc. 27 Water Street Wakefield, MA 01880 (781) 245-3200 (781) 224-7552 (fax) |
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