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Letter from the President

by Jesse Yoder, PhD


From July - December 2009, I did quite a lot of traveling to the Middle East and Europe. This travel was mainly connected to research we are doing for our upcoming study on gas flow measurement. I found the Middle East to be a fascinating place, with massive natural supplies of both crude oil and natural gas. Besides Dubai and Abu Dhabi, I visited Saudi Arabia, Qatar, and Oman.


I gained a much better understanding of the vast wealth that exists in the Middle East in both crude oil and natural gas. Yet the oil and natural gas producers over there face many of the same problems that companies do in other parts of the world. Like US companies, they are trying to decide between new-technology and traditional technology flowmeters. Custody transfer applications are critical for them. One difference is that many of the companies are partially or wholly owned by the government, and many of the companies there are very large.


In the last newsletter, I wrote that I wanted to have a camel ride. I am happy to report that I did have a camel ride during a desert safari outside of Dubai. The main surprise was when the ride was over -- the camel kneels very quickly, and you have to hang on to stay onboard, so to speak. The ride in the jeep over the sand dunes that was part of the safari was a little unnerving, but I managed to make it through without too much difficulty. The natural beauty of the desert stands in sharp contrast to the modern cities, including Dubai, Abu Dhabi, and Doha.


In addition to doing research for our gas flow study, we published two studies last year:

The World Market for Magnetic Flowmeters, 4th Edition (May 2009) (www.flowmags.com

The World Market for Thermal Flowmeters (October 2009) (www.flowthermal.com

We have already scheduled several new studies for 2010, including the following:

The World Market for Vortex Flowmeters, 4th Edition (February 2010) (www.flowvortex.com)

The World Market for Liquid Analytical Instruments (April 2010) (www.flowanalytical.com)

The World Market Gas Flow Measurement, 2nd Edition (July 2010) (www.gasflows.com)

Volume X: The World Market for Flowmeters, 3rd Edition (September 2010) (www.floweverything.com)

Our new study on vortex flowmeters will be published in the next few weeks. If you haven't already done so, you can still order this study at the pre-publication price. Our new liquid analytical study, to be published in April, analyzes the complex market for liquid analytical measurement.

We are adding a new feature to our gas flow measurement study.  We are adding three separate modules: 

Module A: Natural Gas Producers Worldwide - Module A is mainly oriented towards companies that want to enhance their instrumentation sales worldwide to the larger producers of natural gas.  It will include company profiles of the large producers, strategies for marketing to them, and a discussion of trends in flow measurement relative to these large companies.  

Module B: Natural Gas Producers in the Middle East -  Module B will include profiles of natural gas producers in the Middle East, and will be oriented towards instrumentation companies that want to increase their sales to the Middle East.

Module C: The World Market for Custody Transfer of Natural Gas - Module C will focus specifically on the market for custody transfer of natural gas, which is the fastest-growing niche within the flowmeter market. It will contain market data on ultrasonic, turbine, and DP flowmeters used for custody transfer applications, and will discuss strategies for selling into this market.

Modules A, B, and C can be ordered as add-ons to the gas flow study, or as standalone reports. These additional modules will provide a great deal of in-depth research that will complement and build on the results of the gas flow study.

The 3rd edition of our classic Volume X study includes all types of flowmeters, and will be published in September.

I hope you will be able to take advantage of our research into the flowmeter and liquid analytical markets. Please let me know if you would like more information on any of our upcoming studies.

Yours in flow,

Jesse Yoder

Flow Research 


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